ٺƵ Humanities Institute Book Chat
- Witness to the Age of Revolution: The Odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru ()
- WITH: The author, Charles F. Walker, professor of history; and the illustrator, Liz Clarke
- WHEN: 5:10-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 27
- WHERE: Remote
Says the publisher: “This stunning graphic history tells the story of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru, a descendant of the last Inca rulers. After participating in his half brother’s massive rebellion that stretched across Peru from 1780 to 1783, Juan Bautista spent 40 years imprisoned by the Spanish, on an “odyssey” that took him from Cusco to Lima to Rio de Janeiro to Cádiz to Ceuta, the African presidio, and back to South America. Based on Juan Bautista’s forgotten memoirs, this book brings to life the extraordinary tale of a firsthand witness to the Age of Revolution.”

Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Book Talk
- Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska ()
- WITH: The author, Jessica Bissett Perea, assistant professor, Department of Native American Studies
- WHEN: Noon-1:30 p.m. Friday, April 29
- WHERE: 3201 (Rising Room)
In her first book, Bissett Perea offers radical and relational ways of listening to Inuit performances across a range of genres — from hip-hop to Christian hymnody and traditional drum songs to funk and R&B — to register how Indigenous music can sound out entanglements between structures of Indigeneity and colonialism. Reviewer George Lipsitz, author of Footsteps in the Dark: The Hidden Histories of Popular Music and Dangerous Crossroads: Popular Music, Postmodernism and the Poetics of Place, says Sound Relations is “a magnificent achievement, a profoundly path-breaking and persuasive work of decolonial scholarship that enriches Indigenous studies, sound studies and cultural studies by presenting original and generative new concepts, ideas and terms.”
The ٺƵ Books Blog, a project of News and Media Relations, announces newly published books by faculty and staff authors, and awards and events related to books by faculty and staff authors. Contact the books blog by email.
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Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu.