細細篇撞 Driven by Curiosity News / 細細篇撞 Driven by Curiosity News for 細細篇撞 en Fish Teeth Show How Ease of Innovation Enables Rapid Evolution /news/fish-teeth-show-how-ease-innovation-enables-rapid-evolution <p>Its not what you do, its how readily you do it. Rapid evolutionary change might have more to do with how easily a key innovation can be gained or lost rather than with the innovation itself, according to new work by biologists at the University of California, Davis, who studied how teeth in certain fishes evolved in response to food sources and habitats.</p><p>Their work was published Feb. 26 in <a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-025-08612-z">Nature</a>.</p> February 26, 2025 Andy Fell /news/fish-teeth-show-how-ease-innovation-enables-rapid-evolution Men and Women Equally Attracted to Younger Partners, 細細篇撞 Study Suggests /news/men-and-women-equally-attracted-younger-partners-uc-davis-study-suggests <p>Men and women alike are drawn to younger partners, whether or not they realize it. The conclusion came from a University of California, Davis, study of 4,500 blind dates of people seeking a long-term partner.</p> January 27, 2025 Karen Michele Nikos /news/men-and-women-equally-attracted-younger-partners-uc-davis-study-suggests International Students Boost Startup Creation, Lifting Local Jobs and Revenue, New Research Shows /news/international-students-boost-startup-creation-lifting-local-jobs-and-revenue-new-research <p>International graduate students created a disproportionate number of new business startups in the United States in the past decade. They also increased entrepreneurialism among their U.S.-born peers, according to new research from the University of California, Davis.</p> January 14, 2025 Karen Michele Nikos /news/international-students-boost-startup-creation-lifting-local-jobs-and-revenue-new-research Genetics of Alternating Sexes in Walnuts /news/genetics-alternating-sexes-walnuts <p>The genetics behind the alternating sexes of walnut trees has been revealed by biologists at the University of California, Davis. The research, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ado5578">published Jan. 3 in Science</a>, reveals a mechanism that has been stable in walnuts and their ancestors going back 40 million years and which has some parallels to sex determination in humans and other animals.&nbsp;</p> January 02, 2025 Andy Fell /news/genetics-alternating-sexes-walnuts Your Smart TV is Watching What You Watch /news/your-smart-tv-watching-what-you-watch <p>If youre thinking of buying a smart TV for the holidays, you ought to know that your new device is constantly capturing snapshots of whats on screen and sending them back to the manufacturer even if you are using the device as a computer monitor and not watching TV at all. The findings come from a recent study by computer scientists at the University of California, Davis; University College London; and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, published in <a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/3646547.3689013">Proceedings of the 2024 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference</a>.&nbsp;</p> December 18, 2024 Andy Fell /news/your-smart-tv-watching-what-you-watch 細細篇撞 Joins New $285 Million CHIPS Semiconductor Research Institute /news/uc-davis-joins-new-285-million-chips-semiconductor-research-institute <p>The University of California, Davis will be part of a new, $285 million nationwide institute dedicated to advancing research and manufacturing of American semiconductors.</p><p><a href="https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2024/11/chips-america-announces-new-proposed-285-million-award-chips-manufacturing">The new institute</a>, known as SMART USA (Semiconductor Manufacturing and Advanced Research with Twins USA) will develop, validate and use digital twins to improve domestic semiconductor design, manufacturing, advanced packaging, assembly and test processes.&nbsp;</p> December 09, 2024 Andy Fell /news/uc-davis-joins-new-285-million-chips-semiconductor-research-institute Christmas Trees Distinctive Aroma Helps Ward off Pathogens and Pests /news/christmas-trees-distinctive-aroma-helps-ward-pathogens-and-pests <p>Each year, nearly 30 million Americans purchase a real tree for the holidays. Growing the perfect Christmas tree takes about seven years, during which farmers need to keep insects, fungal pathogens and hungry deer at bay. While researchers suspect the distinctive piney smell the trees emit plays a role in deterring these pests, not all trees smell the same, and which chemical blends confer resistance is unclear.&nbsp;</p> November 25, 2024 Andy Fell /news/christmas-trees-distinctive-aroma-helps-ward-pathogens-and-pests What Makes Queen Bees So Smart? /news/what-makes-queen-bees-so-smart <p>A bumblebees brain is smaller than a sesame seed. But it can still accomplish quite a bit.</p><p>You dont need a big brain to learn well, said Felicity Muth, an assistant professor in the Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior&nbsp;and a National Geographic Explorer who studies cognition in bees and other animals. Bumblebees are capable of many of the same cognitive feats as many vertebrates.</p> November 07, 2024 Andy Fell /news/what-makes-queen-bees-so-smart Sharks and Rays Leap Out of the Water for Many Reasons, Including Feeding, Courtship and Communication /news/sharks-and-rays-leap-out-water-many-reasons-including-feeding-courtship-and-communication <p>Many sharks and rays are known to breach, leaping fully or partly out of the water. In a <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-024-01584-5">recent study</a>, colleagues and I reviewed research on breaching and ranked the most commonly hypothesized functions for it.</p> September 23, 2024 Andy Fell /news/sharks-and-rays-leap-out-water-many-reasons-including-feeding-courtship-and-communication Enrollment of Undocumented Students at California Universities Dropped from 2016 to 2023 /curiosity/news/enrollment-undocumented-students-california-universities-dropped-2016-2023 <p>Enrollment of low-income, undocumented students declined by half at University of California and California State University campuses from 2016 through the 2022-23 academic year, according to a new study by the University of California Civil Rights Project at UCLA and 細細篇撞 School of Law.&nbsp;</p> September 19, 2024 Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/enrollment-undocumented-students-california-universities-dropped-2016-2023 LZ Experiment Sets New Record in Search for Dark Matter /curiosity/news/lz-experiment-sets-new-record-search-dark-matter <p dir="ltr">Figuring out the nature of dark matter, the invisible substance that makes up most of the mass in our universe, is one of the greatest puzzles in physics. New results from the worlds most sensitive dark matter detector,&nbsp;<a href="https://lz.lbl.gov/">LUX-ZEPLIN</a> (LZ), have narrowed down possibilities for one of the leading dark matter candidates: weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs.</p> August 26, 2024 Andy Fell /curiosity/news/lz-experiment-sets-new-record-search-dark-matter How Uncertainty Builds Anxiety /curiosity/news/how-uncertainty-builds-anxiety <p>Alfred Hitchcock observed that There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. A common way to build suspense in a movie scene is for the audience to know something bad is going to happen, but not when it is going to happen. But how does uncertainty work to ratchet up our anxiety? In a <a href="https://cpsyjournal.org/articles/10.5334/cpsy.105">recent paper</a> in the journal Computational Psychiatry, researchers at the University of California, Davis, Department of Psychology take a deeper look into what builds fear.</p> June 25, 2024 Andy Fell /curiosity/news/how-uncertainty-builds-anxiety How Autocrats Control Internet Traffic Out of Sight /curiosity/news/how-autocrats-control-internet-traffic-out-sight <p>Authoritarian regimes exert control over the internet through transit networks that operate largely out of public view, according to a recent study by researchers in the U.S. and Germany. The work, <a href="https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/3/3/pgae069/7608189">published in PNAS Nexus</a>, also shows how more sophisticated authoritarian regimes extend their influence by providing network access in poorer but politically similar countries. </p> April 10, 2024 Andy Fell /curiosity/news/how-autocrats-control-internet-traffic-out-sight 細細篇撞 Historians Research of Child Murder in Early Modern Europe Featured in Period Film /curiosity/news/uc-davis-historians-research-child-murder-early-modern-europe-featured-period-film <p>Kathy Stuart, associate professor of history, delights in crime and deviance her research specialty. The University of California, Davis, academics enthusiasm for blood, heinous crimes and the various ways people kill each other hovers somewhere between an obsessed prosecutor and a delighted child who takes in horror movies on Saturday afternoons.&nbsp; </p> February 16, 2024 Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/uc-davis-historians-research-child-murder-early-modern-europe-featured-period-film 細細篇撞 Establishes Bird Flight Research Center /curiosity/news/uc-davis-establishes-bird-flight-research-center By studying birds of prey in flight, a new lab at the 細細篇撞 California Raptor Center will give insight into designing drones and treating injured birds. February 01, 2024 Andy Fell /curiosity/news/uc-davis-establishes-bird-flight-research-center When Some Adolescent Girls Internalize Rejection, It Really Is in Their Head /curiosity/news/when-some-adolescent-girls-internalize-rejection-it-shows-brain-scan <p>Everyone ruminates about the bad things that happen to them. Whether its a nasty breakup, an embarrassing failure or simply when someone is mean, it can be hard to stop thinking about what happened and why. For people who ruminate too much, this negative thought pattern can cause lasting problems with mental health. </p> January 23, 2024 Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/when-some-adolescent-girls-internalize-rejection-it-shows-brain-scan Chicago Cafe: Californias Oldest Chinese Restaurant /curiosity/news/chicago-cafe-is-oldest-chinese-restaurant-in-california Learn how the family-owned Chicago Cafe has withstood the test of time and Asian hate to become one of the country's most historic Chinese restaurants. January 22, 2024 Jocelyn C Anderson /curiosity/news/chicago-cafe-is-oldest-chinese-restaurant-in-california Rise of Archery in Andes Mountains Dated to 5,000 Years Ago Earlier Than Previous Research /curiosity/news/rise-archery-andes-mountains-dated-5000-years-ago-earlier-research <p>When did archery arise in the Americas? And what were the effects of this technology on society? </p> <p>These questions have long been debated among anthropologists and archaeologists. But a <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618223003300">study</a> led by a University of California, Davis, anthropologist, is shining light on this mystery. </p> December 20, 2023 Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/rise-archery-andes-mountains-dated-5000-years-ago-earlier-research YouTube Video Recommendations Lead to More Extremist Content for Right-Leaning Users, Researchers Suggest /curiosity/news/youtube-video-recommendations-lead-more-extremist-content-right-leaning-users-researchers <p>YouTube tends to recommend videos that are similar to what people have already watched. New research has found that those recommendations can lead users down a rabbit hole of extremist political content.</p> December 13, 2023 Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/youtube-video-recommendations-lead-more-extremist-content-right-leaning-users-researchers Molecular Fossils Shed Light on Ancient Life /curiosity/news/molecular-fossils-shed-light-ancient-life <p>Paleontologists are getting a glimpse at life over a billion years in the past based on chemical traces in ancient rocks and the genetics of living animals. Research <a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43545-z">published Dec. 1 </a>in Nature Communications combines geology and genetics, showing how changes in the early Earth prompted a shift in how animals eat. </p> December 07, 2023 Andy Fell /curiosity/news/molecular-fossils-shed-light-ancient-life