Medieval and Early Modern Studies
College of Letters and Science
- Bachelor of Arts
Where do modern social institutions — like universities, legal systems, and capitalist economies — come from? The genesis of many institutions and concepts can be traced back to the medieval and early modern period. It was an age characterized by deep religious faith and creativity; by philosophical and religious explorations; and by the rise of vernacular languages. Cataclysmic events, as well as ongoing shifts in class structures, agricultural production, religious organizations, and military technology made this a tempestuous time in which to live, one not unlike our own in its complexity and vitality. Study this remarkable period for a unique vantage point as we approach the conflicts and challenges of our modern world.
Major Requirements
Students have wide flexibility in selecting courses for the major. Recommended preparation includes survey courses in medieval history, art history, religion and philosophy, along with a three-course sequence on medieval culture. After completing this preliminary work, students select from a variety of courses in these subject areas as well as dramatic art, music and political science. To meet a graduation option, seniors may write an in-depth paper on some aspect of medieval culture.
Contact Information
- Museum Curator
Graduate Study
- Art history
- English
- Philosophy
- History
- Medieval studies
Alumni Employers

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Undergraduate research
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