Youth education boosted

The Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council July 21 announced the award of $65,000 to the Adventure, Risk and Challenge Program, an intensive literacy and leadership project for English-language learners at UC Berkeley's Sagehen Creek Field Station.

The funds will be used to expand the Adventure, Risk and Challenge Program to UC Santa Barbara's Sedgwick Reserve where it will serve English-language students in northern Santa Barbara, Kern and San Luis Obispo counties.

The program targets adolescents who are potential leaders within their communities and provides a life-changing six-week outdoor experience, as well as support while the students are in high school.

Lawrence Livermore

UC on July 20 named George Miller as the team leader in preparations for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contract competition.

A national security and nuclear weapons expert and a leader in large-scale facilities management, Miller has worked at LLNL for more than 34 years and currently serves as its interim director. He will lead the university's efforts through the upcoming Department of Energy competition for management and operations of the laboratory.

Santa Cruz chancellor

UC President Robert Dynes in July announc-ed the appointment of George Blumenthal as acting chancellor of UC Santa Cruz. The UC regents his appointment at their meeting in July.

Blumenthal, a UCSC professor of astronomy and astrophysics and a former chair of the UC systemwide Academic Senate, will assume on an interim basis the responsibilities of the late Chancellor Denice Denton, who died June 24 in a fall from a San Francisco building, an apparent suicide.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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