Quick Summary
- He is newly enrolled in Presidents for Latino Student Success
- The diverse group is part of D.C.-based Excelencia in Education
- Chancellor also participates in Council on Competitive initiatives
- And listen in to his guest appearance on “Weekly Wisdom”

Chancellor Gary S. May has enrolled in , part of the national nonprofit organization Excelencia in Education and its Excelencia in Action Network.
Founded in 2004, works to accelerate Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policies, and advancing institutional practices while collaborating with those committed and ready to meet the mission.
May joins more than 115 college and university presidents and chancellors “who have committed to making their institutions learning environments where Latino students thrive.”
ٺƵ is working toward federal designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution.
Research security
Last week Chancellor May signed his name to a statement from the . May is a member of the council.
He joined more than 40 of the of the council’s academic and business leaders in endorsing global cooperation and collaboration in support of U.S. research and technology priorities.
“The signatories further endorsed increased scrutiny of domestic and foreign bad actors who seek to take advantage of the historic openness of the U.S. research enterprise,” the Council on Competitiveness said in a . “This statement is particularly timely as these issues are being debated at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. The approach endorsed by these leaders is a balanced and appropriate response that protects U.S. interests while preserving the traditional U.S. role as a beacon to the best and brightest from around the world.”
Chancellor May is the guest on the presented by the University Innovation Alliance and Inside Higher Ed.
‘The Next Economy’
The chancellor also is participating in a social media campaign organized by the council’s flagship initiative, the National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness Frontiers.
The “Competing in the Next Economy” campaign began with Chancellor May’s July 12 post to the council’s Twitter account, . “Diversity drives success in the global work force,” he began. Click on the post below to see his message in full.
Media Resources
Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu.