Instructors who continue to use the MyUCDavis course management tools to teach or grade their students need to find an alternative — and soon. The campus is retiring those tools for all courses, starting with fall quarter 2010.
The MyUCDavis Web portal itself is not going away. Only the course tools are being retired. SmartSite, which most of the campus already uses to manage course work and share projects online, has replaced them.
“Faculty who are new to SmartSite should try it this spring or summer so they are not caught short in the fall,” said Kirk Alexander, SmartSite program manager. “We have trainers standing by to help them get started.”
About 200 instructors at ٺƵ are using the MyUCDavis course tools this quarter, down significantly from previous years. Programmers have already changed the MyUCDavis course tools software to prevent anyone from creating new course sites with the tools after the last session of summer instruction.
Faculty will still be able to access information from previous MyUCDavis course sites, as well as submit grades online at
More about SmartSite, including contacts for assistance and training: .
— Bill Buchanan, Information and Educational Technology
Media Resources
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