ٺƵ has named 12 assistant professors from a variety of disciplines as the university’s newest Hellman Fellows, beneficiaries of a San Francisco-based fund that provides research support to promising faculty members when they need it most, in the early stages of their careers.

“T is an extraordinary benefactor,” said Phil Kass, vice provost of Academic Affairs, which administers the Hellman Fellows program at ٺƵ. “We are so thankful for its recognition of the funding challenges that confront junior faculty.”
In fact, Chris and Warren Hellman had firsthand knowledge through their daughter Frances, a physicist who started her academic career at UC San Diego in 1987 and joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 2005.
The Hellman Fellows program began at UCSD and Berkeley in 1995, and today provides grant money to all 10 UCs and four private institutions — supporting more than 100 junior faculty members annually.
Each campus sets up its own process for applications, review and selection. Preference is given to faculty members who exhibit the potential for great academic distinction, but who have garnered only modest support and have not received other early-career awards.
Here are ٺƵ’ newest Hellman Fellows listed with their departments and fellowship project titles. Click on any box to see that fellow’s description of the project that she or he will carry out with support from the Hellman fund.
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