Hypothetical savings from furloughs

With the governor and Legislature still deliberating a solution to the state's $24-billion-plus budget shortfall, the UC system does not know how much it will get in state funding for 2009-10—or, more precisely, how big of a hit the system will take.

But officials have done some estimating. According to the Office of the President, Gov. Schwarzenegger's proposed cuts for UC mean that, over a two-year period, 2008-10, UC's state-funded budget will have fallen by $619 million, or 19 percent from the 2007-08 level.

UC faces an additional gap of $335 million over the same period for increasing costs that the state has not funded.

Student fee increases in 2008-09 and 2009-10 will fill only an estimated $211 million of the funding gap.

What does this all mean for UC Davis? A budget shortfall of up to $67 million in 2009-10, even after $21 million in cuts in academic and administrative units, according to the latest data from the Office of Resource Management and Planning.

So, how will UC Davis make up the difference? At least some of it is expected to come from furloughs and pay cuts—.

Nevertheless, UC Davis budget planners have been crunching the numbers to see the savings that furloughs could bring. The Office of Resource Management and Planning provided the following breakdown of the hypothetical savings (approximate), based on 2007-08 payroll data.

12 DAYS (4.6 percent)—$44.7 million. This includes $8.9 million in extramural research funding that goes to payroll; therefore, this amount would not be available to the general campus. Net savings available to the general campus: $35.8 million.

18 DAYS (6.9 percent)—$67 million, including $13.3 million in extramural research funding. Net savings available to the general campus: $53.7 million.

24 DAYS (9.3 percent)—$90.2 million, including $17.9 in extramural research funding. Net savings available to the general campus: $72.3 million.

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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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