The following is a sampling of new, top award amounts funded for the past year in each college, school or division and listed by principal investigator and the administering department.

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Keen, Carl; Nutrition — $6,456,000, Vitamin Cases Consumer Settlement Fund, Foods for Health Research and Information Center.

Miller-Sears, Marion; Environmental Toxicology — $2,388,000, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Minor Use Pesticide Research- Western Region IR-4 4/2006-3/2009.

Matsumura, Fumio; Environmental Toxicology — $1,435,000, NIH–National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Center for Health Effects of Agrochemicals.

Cook, Douglas; Plant Pathology — $1,330,000, National Science Foundation, Comparative Genomics of Legume Disease Resistance Gene Homologs .

Dubcovsky, Jorge; Plant Sciences — $1,250,000, USDA Agricultural Cooperative Service, Wheat Applied Genomics.

Kaiser, Susan; Textiles and Clothing — $1,185,000, Clemson University, The Operation of a Research Education, and Technology Transfer Program for the Textile Industrial Complex.

Horwath, William; Land, Air and Water Resources — $1,000,000, California Department of Water Resources, Alternative Agricultural Management Strategies to Reduce Runoff and Improve Water Quality.

Alston, Julian; Agricultural and Resource Economics — $799,000, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Effects of Agricultural Policies on Human Nutrition and Obesity.

College of Biological Sciences

Rodriguez, Raymond; Molecular and Cellular Biology — $1,491,000, NIH– National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, NCMHD Center of Excellence in Nutritional Genomics.

Kopp, Artyom; Center for Genetics and Development — $784,000, National Science Foundation, Connecting Molecular and Phenotypic Variation in Drosophila.

Sundaresan, Venkatesan; Plant Biology — $750,000, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Sequenced Insertion Lines for Rice Functional Genomics.

Ludaescher, Bertram; Genome Center — $600,000, National Science Foundation, SEI (BIO)+II: A Collaborative Scientific Workflow Environment for Accelerating Genome-Scale Biological Research.

Kowalczykowski, Stephen; Microbiol-ogy — $380,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Mechanistic Studies of Genetic Recombination.

Chalupa, Leo; Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior — $378,000, NIH–National Eye Institute, Development and Reorganization of Prenatal Visual System.

Usrey, Anne; Center for Neuroscience — $374,000, NIH–National Eye Institute, Synapse Formation and Refinement in the Visual System.

Nuzhdin, Sergey; Evolution and Ecology — $371,000, NIH–National Institute of General Medical Science, Nucleotide Polymorphisms Responsible for Expression Variation in Drosophila.

School of Education

Passmore, Cynthia; Education — $304,000, National Science Foundation, Inquiry into Practice.

Trexler, Cary; Education — $99,000, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Collaborative Agricultural Research and Development: A Vietnamese Context for Internationalizing the ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Curriculum through Service Learning.

Gandara, Patricia; Education — $92,000, UC Berkeley, Strong Standards, Weak Finance, Shrinking Opportunity- Revitalizing School Reform with Resources.

College of Engineering

Yoo, Sung-Joo; Electrical and Computer Engineering — $1,686,000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, High Resolution Imaging and Sensing with Arbitrary Optical Waveforms. $1,410,000, Department of Army, Ultra-Compact, Rapidly Reconfigurable, Monolithic Optical-Code Division Multiplex Access Technology for Next Generation Communication Networks.

Ferrara, Katherine; Biomedical Engineering — $1,370,000, NIH–National Cancer Institute, Ultrasound Imaging and Local Drug Delivery in Tumors.

Kayhanian, Masoud; Civil and Environmental Engineering — $550,000, Task Order 20: Water Quality and Toxicity Evaluation of Discharge Generated from Asphalt Pavement Surfacing Materials.

Luhmann, Neville; Applied Science — $550,000, Department of Air Force, An Active Denial Power Source for a Man-Transportation System (Phase I).

Niemeier, Debbie; Civil and Environmental Engineering — $550,000, California Transportation Commission, AQ-04-01: Developing Effective and Quantifiable Air Quality Mitigation Measures.

Claassen, Victor; Civil and Environmental Engineering — $500,000, California Transportation Commission, Task Order 19: Soil Resource Evaluation Process II.

Zhang, Ruihong; Biological and Agricultural Engineering — $498,000, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Developing and Validating a Process-based Ammonia Emission Model for Confinement Animal Feeding Operations.

DIVISION OF Humanities, Arts and Cultural Sciences

de la Torre, Adela; Chicano Studies — $121,000, UC San Diego, Behavioral Intervention for High Risk Women in Mexico.

Blake, Robert; Spanish and Classics — $97,000, ED Postsecondary Education, Development of Punjabi Course Materials: Face-to-Face and at a Distance.

Kaplan, Caren; Women's Studies — $75,000, American Council of Learned Societies, Precision Targets.

DIVISION OF Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Galli, Giulia; Chemistry — $641,000, Department of Army, Quantum Engineering of Materials and Devices.

Zhu, Xiangdong; Physics — $548,000, NIH–National Center for Research Resources, High-Speed Label-Free Optical Detection System for Small-Molecule Microarrays.

Kurth, Mark; Chemistry — $453,000, NIH – National Institute of General Medical Science, ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Combinatorial Center-Novel and Diverse Pilot-Scale Library Productions.

Lebrilla, Carlito; Chemistry — $440,000, Dairy Management Inc., The Glycoproteomics of Bovine and Human Milk .

Britt, R.; Chemistry — $387,000, NIH– National Institute of General Medical Science, Pulsed EPR Studies of Biological Manganese Clusters.

Meares, Claude; Chemistry — $349,000, Miscellaneous Sponsors, SN-117m Sequestration.

Hall, Peter; Statistics — $345,000, National Science Foundation, Some Problems in Nonparametric Statistics .

Tracy, Craig; Mathematics — $300,000, National Science Foundation, Random Matrices, Integrable Systems and Related Stochastic Processes.

DIVISION OF Social Sciences

Janata, Petr; Center for Mind and Brain — $998,000, Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science, Music, Spirituality, Religion, and the Human Brain.

Corina, David; Center for Mind and Brain — $511,000, NIH – National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Phonological and Visual Processing of Sign Language.

Saron, Clifford; Center for Mind and Brain — $500,000, John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc., A Longitudinal, Randomized Waitlist Control Study of Cognitive, Emotional, and Neural Effects of Intensive Meditation Training. $120,000, Cure Autism Now Foundation, Brain Dynamics of Multisensory Integration.

Long, Debra; Psychology — $304,000, NIH–Miscellaneous Agencies and Departments, Reading Skill: Modeling Individual and Text Interactions.

Miller, Lee; Center for Mind and Brain — $298,000, NIH-National Center for Research Resources, Neural Networks for Speech Perception in Noise.

Yonelinas, Andrew; Psychology — $288,000, NIH–National Institute of Mental Health, Functional Properties of Recognition Memory.

Cadden, Joan; History — $130,000, National Science Foundation, Scientific Literacy and Gender in Medieval Europe.

School of Medicine

Denardo, Gerald; Internal Medicine — $2,262,000, NIH – National Cancer Institute, Translational Mutimodality "Antibody" Therapy.

Primakoff, Paul; Cell Biology and Human Anatomy — $1,227,000, NIH– National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Center for Development of Anti-Sperm Contraceptives.

Meyers, Frederick; Internal Medicine — $896,000, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Research Training Grant.

Gandara, David; Cancer Center Administration — $861,000, NIH–National Cancer Institute, Early Therapeutic Development with Phase 2 Emphasis.

Amaral, David; Psychiatry and Behavior Science — $497,000, NIH–National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Functional Organization of the Hippocampal Formation.

Seldin, Michael; Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine — $495,000, NIH– National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, MA Admixture Mapping Development & Application to NIDDM. $486,000, NIH–National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Admixture Mapping Development and Testing in AA SLE.

Baumler, Andreas; Microbiology — $471,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Analysis of Salmonella Typhimurium Fimbrial Antigens.

School of Veterinary Medicine

Luciw, Paul; Center for Comparative Medicine — $2,182,000, Miscellaneous Sponsors, Evaluation of Novel Anti-TB Vaccines in Nonhuman Primates.

Werner, Inge; Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology — $1,289,000, Department of California RA Water Resources, Acute and Chronic Invertebrate and Fish Toxicity.

Barry, Peter; Center for Comparative Medicine — $669,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Evaluation of Protective DMV Vaccines in Rhesus Macaques.

Miller, Chris; Center for Comparative Medicine — $600,000, Coley Pharmaceutical Group, Innate Immune Receptors and Adjuvant Discovery.

Cortopassi, Gino; Molecular Biosciences — $408,000, NIH–National Eye Institute, Mitochondrial Mechanisms in Optic Neuropathy.

Lanzaro, Gregory; Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology — $371,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, The Role of Sand Fly Saliva in Visceralization of Leishmania Parasites.

Brault, Aaron; Center for Vector-Borne Disease Research — $332,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, West Nile Viral Determinants of Avian Pathogenesis.

Barthold, Stephen; Center for Comparative Medicine — $326,000, NIH–National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Mouse Model of Lyme Borreliosis.

Office of Research

Klimley, A; John Muir Institute of the Environment — $1,929,000, CALFED California Bay-Delta Authority, Survival and Migratory Patterns of Central Valley Juvenile Salmonids.

Huser, Thomas; Center for Biophotonics — $599,000, National Science Foundation, Development of OMX: A Structured Illumination Microscope System with Sub-100 nm Spatial Resolution for Applications in Cell Biology.

Williams, Susan; Bodega Marine Laboratory — $512,000, National Science Foundation, Influences of Nonrandom Biodiversity Change on Marine Ecosystem Functioning.

Matsumura, Fumio; Center for Health and Environment — $399,000, California EPA Air Resources Board, Assessment of Health Impacts of Particulate Matter from Indoor Air Sources.

Pasternack, Gregory; John Muir Institute of the Environment — $299,000, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Linking Geomorphology and Biology on the Lower Yuba River.

Melnikow, Joy; Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care — $262,000, NIH–National Cancer Institute, Surveillance Strategies Following Treatment for CIN.

Bennett, William; John Muir Institute of the Environment — $254,000, San Francisco State University Foundation, Inc., Modeling the Delta Smelt Population of the San Francisco Estuary.

Sen, Sabyasachi; Nanomaterials in the Environment, Agriculture and Technology — $226,000, National Science Foundation, Intermediate-Range Structure and Dynamics in Complex Ge-As-Chalcogenide Glasses and Liquids.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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