Warren and Leta Giedt, third and fourth from the left, respectively, break ground on Giedt Hall, a classroom building slated to open in 2007. Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, far right, lends a helping hand along with engineering college Dean Enriqu
Warren and Leta Giedt, third and fourth from the left, respectively, break ground on Giedt Hall, a classroom building slated to open in 2007. Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, far right, lends a helping hand along with engineering college Dean Enrique Lavernia

Warren and Leta Giedt, third and fourth from the left, respectively, break ground on Giedt Hall, a classroom building slated to open in 2007. Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, far right, lends a helping hand along with engineering college Dean Enrique Lavernia, second from the right, and Rand Schaal, an alumnus and former geology lecturer, and Winston Ko, far left, dean of the mathematical and physical sciences division. In 2003, the university received two donations for the new hall — a $2.5 million gift from the Giedts and a second gift of $400,000 from Schaal and his father, Ted.

Giedt, a professor emeritus in mechanical and aeronautical engineering,

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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