Summer music: Free concerts of salsa, jazz, funk

Leading off the Summer Music festivities on June 28 will be Sidestepper, a group known for its traditional Latin rhythms and techno dance music. Sidestepper is the brainchild of Richard Blair, left, who during the early ‘'90s established a rep
Leading off the Summer Music festivities on June 28 will be Sidestepper, a group known for its traditional Latin rhythms and techno dance music. Sidestepper is the brainchild of Richard Blair, left, who during the early ‘'90s established a reputation as

The campus will revive its summer concert series on June 28 after a three-year hiatus.

The shows in the Summer Music Series include the Latin techno group Sidestepper (June 28); jazz vocalist Dianne Reeves (July 27); and the jazz funk group the Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Aug. 15). Each event will begin at 7:30 p.m., with the Quad open for picnics at 6:30 p.m. Organized by Mondavi Center, the concerts will be free and open to the public. The series is made possible through the support of ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Summer Sessions.

Four-time Grammy Award-winner Dianne Reeves is well-known to Mondavi Center audiences, having played to a sold out Jackson Hall in December. With her strong voice, rhythmic virtuosity, and improvisational ease, Reeves draws upon influences including Sarah Vaughn, Carmen McRae, Ella Fitzgerald and others, always putting her formidable musicianship at the service of a powerful storytelling instinct. Born in Detroit and raised in Denver, Reeves has been one of jazz's leading vocalists since the age of 16.

The Dirty Dozen Brass Band will bring its high-energy New Orleans mix of jazz, funk, rhythm and blues, Afro-Cuban, reggae, and more to the Quad on Aug. 15. The group came together almost 30 years ago, when the Dirty Dozen Social and Pleasure Club in New Orleans decided to revive the brass bands that followed funeral processions during the city's early days.

"It's exciting to be able to bring back the Summer Music series, and especially gratifying to present such fine artists in free concerts that everyone in the community will be able to enjoy," said Don Roth, Mondavi Center's executive director.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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