Economic impact Content / Economic impact Content for ٺƵ en New Report: Aggie Square Boosts ٺƵ’ $13.2B Annual Economic Impact /news/new-report-aggie-square-boosts-uc-davis-132b-annual-economic-impact <p><span>The University of California, Davis, powers nearly $9.57 billion in economic impact to the Sacramento metro area and $13.18 billion to the state, supporting 61,700 jobs in the region and 68,300 in the state, according to a new economic analysis.</span></p> February 20, 2025 - 10:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/new-report-aggie-square-boosts-uc-davis-132b-annual-economic-impact Translating Innovation to Impact /news/translating-innovation-impact <p>George Baxter has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry, but he was not made for life in the lab. Baxter’s role is expanding the university’s traditional roles of teaching and research to include catalyzing innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship.</p><p>“To me it has always been about the doing, the impact,” Baxter said. “I’ve enjoyed science my whole life and obviously there is the fantastic intellectual stimulation of discovering new things. But what I’ve found really interests me is taking that discovery, putting it into the world and seeing it make a difference in people’s lives.”</p> February 18, 2025 - 7:30am Cody Kitaura /news/translating-innovation-impact Immigration Slowed in COVID-19 Pandemic, But Migrant Jobs Not Filled by U.S.-Born /curiosity/news/immigration-slowed-covid-19-pandemic-migrant-jobs-not-filled-us-born ٺƵ research details how the COVID-19 pandemic led to a decrease in immigration to the U.S. and how jobs often filled by migrants were not filled by U.S.-born residents. August 15, 2023 - 1:00pm Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/immigration-slowed-covid-19-pandemic-migrant-jobs-not-filled-us-born New Report: ٺƵ’ Annual Economic Impact More Than $12.5B Statewide /news/UC-Davis-economic-impact <p><span><span><span>A new economic impact report for the University of California, Davis, shows that the university is a major economic driver for the Sacramento region and for California. ٺƵ generated $12.56 billion in statewide economic activity and supported 68,900 jobs in 2019.</span></span></span></p> November 30, 2022 - 6:00pm Julia Ann Easley /news/UC-Davis-economic-impact Can The Economy Recover in 20 Months? /curiosity-gap/can-economy-recover-20-months <p><em><a href="">By Suzy Taherian</a>, ٺƵ lecturer, Graduate School of Management </em></p> <p><em>This story is excerpted from an article published in Forbes on June 18. Reposted with permission.</em></p> June 23, 2020 - 9:57am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity-gap/can-economy-recover-20-months Direct-Marketing Farms Have Double the Regional Impact /news/direct-market-farmers-double-impact <p>Direct marketing of food products from local farms and ranches in the four-county Sacramento region&nbsp;generates twice the regional economic impact per dollar of output as do&nbsp;non-direct&nbsp;methods of marketing.</p> July 18, 2016 - 1:34pm Patricia Bailey /news/direct-market-farmers-double-impact Report Shows ٺƵ’ Economic Strength /news/report-shows-uc-davis-economic-strength <p>The latest economic impact report for the University of California, Davis, shows that the university is an economic driver for the Sacramento region and for California, generating $8.1 billion in statewide economic activity in fiscal year 2013-14 and supporting 72,000 jobs. The report, prepared for the university by Economic &amp; Planning Systems Inc., <a href="/economic-impact-report">is available online</a>.</p> March 17, 2016 - 10:50am Andy Fell /news/report-shows-uc-davis-economic-strength