Picnic Day Theme Content / Picnic Day Theme Content for șÙșÙÊÓÆ” en The 111th Picnic Day Set for April /magazine/111th-picnic-day-set-april <p><span lang="EN">Picnic Day, one of the largest student-run events in the country and a șÙșÙÊÓÆ” tradition, returns for its 111th installment on&nbsp;</span><a href="https://picnicday.ucdavis.edu/"><span lang="EN">Saturday, April 12</span></a><span lang="EN"> with the theme “Welcome to Wonderland.”</span></p> February 18, 2025 - 12:16pm Jocelyn C Anderson /magazine/111th-picnic-day-set-april ‘Picnic Palooza’ To Be Theme of 110th Picnic Day /news/picnic-palooza-be-theme-110th-picnic-day <p>The 110th <a href="https://picnicday.ucdavis.edu">Picnic Day</a>, to be held on April 20, 2024, will have the theme of “Picnic Palooza” and feature șÙșÙÊÓÆ” staff member and alum Sheri Atkinson as parade marshal.</p> <p>The 15 students of the Picnic Day Board of Directors announced the theme and parade marshal for the university’s annual open house at a campus reception Thursday.</p> <p>“What better way to celebrate the 110th Picnic Day than with a palooza?” said Picnic Day Vice Chair Mina Sarmah.</p> November 13, 2023 - 10:58am Shreya Kumar /news/picnic-palooza-be-theme-110th-picnic-day IN BRIEF: Picnic Day Theme and 2-Factor Slack Log-In /news/in-brief-picnic-day-theme-2-factor-slack-log-in <div>&nbsp; <h2 class="heading--underline text-align-center">INDEX</h2> <ul> <li><strong>“‘Ignite Our Moment’ represents the atmosphere on campus”</strong></li> <li><strong>șÙșÙÊÓÆ” Slack accounts now require 2-factor authentication</strong></li> </ul> <hr> <h4 class="MsoNormal"><strong>‘The bustling șÙșÙÊÓÆ” we know and love’</strong></h4> <p class="MsoNormal">Seeing light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, the Picnic Day board has embraced optimism by choosing “Ignite the Moment” as the theme of the 2023 campus celebration, scheduled for Saturday, April 15.</p></div> November 29, 2022 - 8:49am Dave Jones /news/in-brief-picnic-day-theme-2-factor-slack-log-in Picnic Day to Return in Person With ‘Rediscovering Tomorrow’ /news/picnic-day-return-person-rediscovering-tomorrow <p>After two years of virtual events, Picnic Day is coming back in person.</p> <p>The 108th iteration of the largest student-run event in the nation is slated for Saturday, April 23, 2022.</p> <p>The theme, “Rediscovering Tomorrow,” was announced by the 12-person board on Nov. 5.</p> November 15, 2021 - 2:04pm Cody Kitaura /news/picnic-day-return-person-rediscovering-tomorrow NEWS BRIEFS: New Ways to ‘Swipe Out Hunger’ /news/news-briefs-new-ways-swipe-out-hunger <p>Student Housing and Dining Services is offering multiple ways to <a href="http://housing.ucdavis.edu/dining/swipe-out-hunger/">“Swipe Out Hunger”</a> in the campus community, in a campaign running through Nov. 30.</p> <p>Previously, “swipe” meant swipe your meal card to make a donation. Meal cards are a student thing, though, and they can continue to make donations that way.</p> November 21, 2017 - 12:25pm Cody Kitaura /news/news-briefs-new-ways-swipe-out-hunger