Commencement Speakers Content / Commencement Speakers Content for ٺƵ en Faculty Share Thoughts on Speaking at Commencement /news/faculty-share-thoughts-speaking-commencement <p><span>Debbie Fetter read the emailed invitation and couldn’t contain her joy.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span>“I literally yelled and immediately called my husband,” she said.</span></p> June 11, 2024 - 9:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/faculty-share-thoughts-speaking-commencement ٺƵ Student Commencement Speakers Share Remarkable Journeys /news/uc-davis-student-commencement-speakers-share-remarkable-journeys <p><span>Just talking about her upcoming graduation had ٺƵ student Caroline Williams dabbing tears from her eyes. “I told myself I wasn’t going to cry at commencement,” she said with a smile that acknowledged what is surely a lost cause.</span></p> June 11, 2024 - 9:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-student-commencement-speakers-share-remarkable-journeys Sacramento Kings’ Head Coach Among ٺƵ Graduation Speakers /news/sacramento-kings-head-coach-among-uc-davis-graduation-speakers The Sacramento Kings' head coach is among the guest speakers for ٺƵ' spring commencement season. May 07, 2024 - 10:51am Julia Ann Easley /news/sacramento-kings-head-coach-among-uc-davis-graduation-speakers Faculty Commencement Speakers to Encourage Graduating Seniors to Keep Learning /news/faculty-commencement-speakers-encourage-graduating-seniors-keep-learning Undergraduate commencement at the Golden 1 Center will feature a different faculty speaker for each of the five ceremonies, June 16-18, with some of the speakers preparing to tell the graduates: Your learning is not over. May 23, 2023 - 10:30am Julia Ann Easley /news/faculty-commencement-speakers-encourage-graduating-seniors-keep-learning California’s New Chief Justice Among ٺƵ Graduation Speakers /news/californias-new-chief-justice-among-uc-davis-graduation-speakers <div> </div> <p><em><strong>Correction:</strong> The following was updated May 17 to reflect speaker Selu Vargas' current role with Customs and Border Protection.</em></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>California’s chief justice, the stars of the TV show <em>Critter Fixers: Country Vets</em>, Sacramento’s mayor and a graduate dedicated to serving humanitarian needs are the guest speakers </span></span></span></span><span><span><span>for the spring commencements of the University of California, Davis.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> May 09, 2023 - 1:00pm Julia Ann Easley /news/californias-new-chief-justice-among-uc-davis-graduation-speakers Speakers Named for Spring Undergraduate Commencements /news/speakers-named-spring-undergraduate-commencements <p>Alumni distinguished as leaders in public health, education — and even outer space — have been named as the guest speakers for the campus’s three undergraduate commencements in June.</p> <p>Nadine Burke Harris, the state’s first surgeon general, will address thousands of graduates and their guests at the ceremony on June 12; Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District, on June 13; and NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson, on June 14.</p> November 19, 2019 - 10:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/speakers-named-spring-undergraduate-commencements Commencement Speakers for 2020? /news/commencement-speakers-2020 <p>The 2019 commencement season is underway, but we’d like to ask you — faculty, students and staff — to take a few moments to think about the university’s undergraduate commencements in the spring of 2020 and the speakers you would like to hear at those ceremonies.</p> May 31, 2019 - 10:35am Dave Jones /news/commencement-speakers-2020 Omalu Among Commencement Speakers at ٺƵ /news/omalu-among-commencement-speakers-uc-davis <p>Bennet Omalu, the doctor who inspired the Hollywood movie <em>Concussion</em>, will be among the guest speakers at the spring commencements of the University of California, Davis, this week through June 16.</p> May 14, 2019 - 2:59pm Julia Ann Easley /news/omalu-among-commencement-speakers-uc-davis Quoted at Commencement 2018 /news/quoted-commencement-2018 <p>As thousands of degrees were conferred&nbsp;at spring&nbsp;ceremonies, speakers sought to inspire graduates with the nobility and adventure&nbsp;of the work ahead, challenged them to think big, and encouraged them to touch lives with love. Here is a sampling of their remarks.</p> June 26, 2018 - 10:59pm Julia Ann Easley /news/quoted-commencement-2018 Quoted From Spring Commencements 2017 /news/heard-spring-commencements-2017 <p>Commencement speakers at ٺƵ' 13 spring ceremonies offered graduates messages of inspiration and celebration.</p> June 21, 2017 - 2:02pm Julia Ann Easley /news/heard-spring-commencements-2017