Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Content
Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Content for 嘿嘿视频enORG CHART: New Leaders in Engineering, HIA
<p class="heading--underline text-align-center">INDEX</p></div>July 12, 2022 - 1:34pmDave Jones/news/org-chart-new-leaders-engineering-hiaTRANSITIONS: Waterhouse, DiNunzio and Irwin
<p>Three faculty members are assuming new duties as director or interim directors of institutes and centers:</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Waterhouse,</strong> a faculty expert in wine chemistry, quality and analysis, has been named director of the <a href="http://robertmondaviinstitute.ucdavis.edu/">Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science</a>.</p>June 18, 2018 - 10:13amDave Jones/news/transitions-waterhouse-dinunzio-and-irwin