Aggie Square Updates Content / Aggie Square Updates Content for ºÙºÙÊÓƵ en Construction Managers Come Full Circle at Aggie Square /news/construction-managers-come-full-circle-aggie-square <p>For Joshua Chavez, working on Aggie Square was something of a homecoming, even though he’d only passed by the site of the Sacramento innovation district.</p><p>A 2021 graduate of ºÙºÙÊÓƵ who majored in managerial economics, Chavez helped to manage some of the early, pivotal work on the Aggie Square site in 2023 — such as bringing power, water and sewer lines to the 11-acre site, which is a partnership between the university and Wexford Science &amp; Technology LLC.</p> March 04, 2025 - 3:16pm Anila Mary Lijo /news/construction-managers-come-full-circle-aggie-square Aggie Square: Redefining Sustainability in Commercial Development /news/aggie-square-redefining-sustainability-commercial-development <p>A key element in the vision of Aggie Square is sustainability — a broad concept that encompasses and inspired the massive project’s design at all levels, from its use of all-electric energy sources down to the details of reducing the carbon footprint from transporting materials with the use of locally produced brick and glass envelope. The sustainability goals set by the University of California system are ambitious, and Aggie Square is poised to exceed them.&nbsp;</p> January 21, 2025 - 4:09pm Anila Mary Lijo /news/aggie-square-redefining-sustainability-commercial-development Aggie Square 101 /news/aggie-square-101 <p>The development of Aggie Square has led to a lot of changes on ºÙºÙÊÓƵ’ Sacramento campus in the past few years, and the project will soon have an even bigger impact across the entire region.</p> January 07, 2025 - 3:35pm Cody Kitaura /news/aggie-square-101 Sacramento City Council Adopts Intent to Establish Aggie Square /news/sacramento-city-council-adopts-intent-establish-aggie-square <p>The University of California, Davis, is delighted to announce that the&nbsp;<a href="">Aggie Square</a>&nbsp;project is one step closer to realization. After Tuesday’s Sacramento City Council meeting (Oct. 27), in which members adopted unanimously a resolution of intention to establish the Aggie Square Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District, or EIFD, ºÙºÙÊÓƵ leadership is encouraged by the city’s continued commitment to this transformative venture.</p> October 27, 2020 - 9:10pm Anonymous /news/sacramento-city-council-adopts-intent-establish-aggie-square ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Aggie Square Will Add Billions to Sacramento Region /news/uc-davis-aggie-square-will-add-billions-sacramento-region <p>New analysis from an economic research firm predicts Aggie Square at the ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Sacramento campus will add nearly $5 billion to the Sacramento region’s economy each year and support 25,000 ongoing jobs.</p> <p>Design for the first stage of the project, a partnership between the University of California, Davis, the city of Sacramento and developer Wexford Science &amp; Technology, has just been completed, as has an economic impact report, developed by Economic &amp; Planning Systems.</p> July 07, 2020 - 7:14am Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-aggie-square-will-add-billions-sacramento-region Video Added: Aggie Square, Alice Waters Collaborate on Edible Education Institute /news/uc-davis-announces-collaboration-alice-waters-aggie-square <p>ºÙºÙÊÓƵ Chancellor Gary S. May today (Jan. 16) joined chef and food advocate Alice Waters and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg to announce a new collaboration and an anchor tenant for Aggie Square, ºÙºÙÊÓƵ’ planned innovation hub on the university’s Sacramento campus.</p> <p>The new Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education at the University of California, Davis, will bring together experts from across disciplines such as education, health care, agriculture, policy and business to create new solutions for healthy, sustainable and equitable food systems.</p> January 16, 2020 - 9:00am Dave Jones /news/uc-davis-announces-collaboration-alice-waters-aggie-square 4 Developers Invited to Submit Aggie Square Proposals /news/aggie-square-request-proposals <p>The University of California, Davis, has issued a request for proposals, or RFP, to a group of real estate developers interested in financing, designing, building, owning and managing the first phase of Aggie Square, a new innovation hub for the university’s Sacramento campus.</p> September 16, 2019 - 11:02am Amy E Rafferty /news/aggie-square-request-proposals