Building design Content
Building design Content for 嘿嘿视频enSnakeskin-Inspired Pilings Could Stabilize Buildings
<p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Buildings, bridges and offshore infrastructure might one day stand on pilings modeled on snakeskin, based on research at the University of California, Davis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. With surfaces designed to move through soil more easily in one direction than the other, snakeskin pilings would be easier to drive into soil but difficult to pull out. </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>May 24, 2021 - 12:35pmAndy Fell/curiosity/news/snakeskin-inspired-pilings-could-stabilize-buildingsCOVID-19 and the Built Environment
<p>Social distancing has Americans mostly out of the places they usually gather and in their homes as we try to reduce the spread of COVID-19. But some buildings, such as hospitals and grocery stores, have to remain open, and at some point, most of us will go back to the office or workplace. What is the role of building design in disease transmission, and can we change how we design the built environment to make it healthier?</p>April 10, 2020 - 11:46amAndy Fell/coronavirus/news/covid-19-and-built-environment